Need volunteers?

Need volunteers?

Need volunteers or want to volunteer?

Not every community group needs money. Some just need a few helping hands to get a community project off the ground or help out on the big day. They need people to dig, build, drive, bake, read, mentor, sell tickets, stack chairs, tidy up and help with the thousand-and-one odd jobs that make a community project shine. Check out our projects funded in 2017, 2018 and 2019 to see which ones have requested volunteers - if any take your fancy contact to find out more or visit our funding pages.

If you are a community organisation which has received funding from Heathrow Community Trust and you are looking for volunteers and would like to advertise your volunteering opportunity to employees of Heathrow Airport Limited email telling us: 


  1. Grant Unique Reference Number (URN)

  2. Organisation name

  3. Location of volunteering opportunity

  4. Dates/times volunteers needed

  5. What would you like volunteers to do

  6. How many volunteers you need